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Start Something That Matters
Written by Blake Mycoskie
Publisher Random House Publishing Group
Published 2012
Pages 224
The incredible story of the man behind TOMS Shoes and One for One, the revolutionary business model that marries fun, profit, and social good   “A creative and open-hearted business model for our times.”—The Wall Street Journal   Why this book is for you: • You’re ready to make a difference in the world—through your own start-up business, a nonprofit organization, or a new project that you create within your current job. • You want to love your work, work for what you love, and have a positive impact on the world—all at the same time. • You’re inspired by charity: water, method, and FEED Projects and want to learn how these organizations got their start. • You’re curious about how someone who never made a pair of shoes, attended fashion school, or worked in retail created one of the fastest-growing footwear companies in the world by giving shoes away. • You’re looking for a new model of success to share with your children, students, co-workers, and members of your community. You’re ready to start something that matters.   With every book you purchase, a new book will be provided to a child in need. One for One.™
ISBN: 0812981448
Thank you to Random House Publishing Group
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