Enjoy thousands of free books, support non-profit programs or get tools to grow your non-profit

We've connected more than 100k readers in both English and Swahili.
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We can build custom digital libraries for your school or organization
Setup a penpal program
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Language and culture exchange
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We believe in supporting
educators and readers. Here are some testimonials from our community.

Johnson John
We have used Maktaba.org for years to supplement content in our physical library in Arusha. Additionally, we encourage our students to discuss books and proverbs. We look forward to all the site's new features!

Johnson John

Anonymous New Mother
While I was pregnant I found books in Swahili that described what the process of birth would be like. While having my baby I began experiencing an unnatural amount of bleeding. The doctor told me the situation was normal, but I knew better from books on Maktaba...and asked for a second opinion. My new doctor treated me immediately and I am extremely grateful for the availability of your free books.

Anonymous New Mother

Neema Mghase
As an educator, we appreciate partnering with Maktaba to offer learning materials for children and parents within our community.

Neema Mghase

Board member, Elimu Yetu
Before setting up a chicken farm, I found content that was in Swahili that allowed me to gain insights that I could not find anywhere else on the web.


Our FREE curated digital books have been downloaded over 300k times since the site's founding in 2021.
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Features to try out

Custom book recommendations

For members that added interests, or previous books that they have read, we generate regular book recommendations from our large databse of 100% free books.

Career advice tools

Search information about potential careers, including books related to a particular career.

Case studies

A unified search engine for online and offline books

We can create custom search engines for schools and other libraries based on their inventory of both online and offline content.

A barcode scanning system

ElimuYetu had thousands of physical books that needed to be better organized. Using Maktaba.org, we found volunteers to come visit, build custom barcode scanning software and help with a total redesign of our library.