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A watched pot never boils

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Updated 6mo ago
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Sufuria ikiangaliwa haichemki
Have you ever noticed that time seems to pass more slowly when you are waiting for something? On the other hand, if you distract yourself with other engaging activities, time goes by quickly.

For example, if you're in a waiting room for a doctor, the wait will seem shorter if you check your phone or read a magazine, rather than just waiting for your name being called.

This proverb was attributed by Benjamin Franklin to Poor Richard's Almanac, however it doesn't actually appear there. Instead, Franklin used it in an essay on animal magnetism in 1785.

I was very Hungry; it was so late; “a watched pot is slow to boil,” as Poor Richard says.

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It’s a simple and profound truth about human relationships: Making a promise means creating an expectation in others. When we fail to keep our promises, we damage our relationships and our reputation. Next time you make a promise, ask yourself, "Would I sign a contract that said this?"

Chose promise, chose due 
A thing promised is a thing owed. 
Долг платежом красен, а займы отдачею. 
The beauty of a debt is its payment 
Alternative translation: A debt is beautiful when it is paid off, and loans when repaid.
Pacta sunt servanda
Agreements must be kept (an important principle of international law)
Spoken words are no guarantee.
Your word is your bond

What do you think? Is a promise as strong as a contract?
Updated 6mo ago
A penny that stays in your pocket can be used for another purpose. It could be used to buy something else, or you could lend or invest it to yield more money in the future. In economics, this principle is called "opportunity cost". When we spend money or time on one thing, we also lose the opportunity to use it for something else.

This proverb is usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but he did not originate it, nor did he use the exact phrase. Similar versions of the proverb appear in earlier sources. For example:
A penny spar'd is twice got.
- Outlandish Proverbs by George Herbert (1640) 

In Poor Richard's Almanac (1736), Benjamin Franklin quotes the proverb and explains it well:
Necessary Hints to Those That Would Be Rich
The use of money is all the advantage there is in having money. For six pounds a year [interest] you may have the use of one hundred pounds [a loan], provided you are a man of known prudence and honesty.
He that spends a groat [4 pence] a day idly spends idly above six pounds a year, which is the price for the use of one hundred pounds.
He that wastes idly a groat's [4  pence] worth of his time per day, one day with another, wastes the privilege of using one hundred pounds each day.
He that idly loses five shillings' worth of time loses five shillings, and might as prudently throw five shillings into the sea.
He that loses five shillings not only loses that sum, but all the advantage that might be made by turning it in dealing, which by the time that a young man becomes old will amount to a considerable sum of money.
Again, he that sells upon credit asks a price for what he sells equivalent to the principal and interest of his money for the time he is to be kept out of it, therefore, he that buys upon credit pays interest for what he buys, and he that pays ready money might let that money out to use, so that he that possesses anything he has bought pays interest for the use of it.
Yet in buying goods it is best to pay ready money, because he that sells upon credit expects to lose five per cent by bad debts; therefore he charges on all he sells upon credit an advance that shall make up that deficiency. Those who pay for what they buy upon credit pay their share of this advance. He that pays ready money escapes, or may escape, that charge.
"A penny saved is twopence clear;
A pin a day's a groat a year."

So, next time you think about spending money or time on something, ask yourself what the opportunity cost might be. If you didn't spend it, could you lend it to someone else? Could you pay off your existing debts? Could you invest in something that might bring a larger profit in the future?

Updated 6mo ago
Je, umewahi kuona muda huenda pole pole wakati unasubiri? Lakini kwa upande mwingine, ukivutiwa na mambo mengine, m muda huenda haraka.

Kwa mfano, ukisubiri kumwona daktari, muda ni mfupi ukiangalia simu yako au kusoma gazeti, badala ya kungoja tu kusikia jina lako liitwe.

Chimbuko cha methali hii ni Benjamin Franklin kwa Poor Richard's Almanac, hata hivyo haionekani hapo. Badala yake, Franklin aliitumia katika insha juu ya 'sumaku ya wanyama' mwaka 1785. 
Nilikuwa na Njaa sana; ilikuwa imechelewa sana; "Sufuria inayotazamwa huchemka pole pole," kama Poor Richard asemavyo.
Updated 6mo ago
Compare this simple, humble basket of fruit with a bag of lollipops. The fruit is ripe, juicy, packed full of vitamins -- it just sells itself. The lollipops, on the other hand, scream for our attention with explosive slogans and neon colors. But underneath the shiny packaging, it's really just plain sugar with some food coloring and artificial flavors.

Like other primates, humans find fruit attractive because it gives us energy and nutrition. Candy gives us energy, but it doesn't give us real nutrition. It just does a very clever job pretending to be fruit. Don't fall for it!

A good thing doesn't need to advertise, because quality speaks for itself. As the economists would say, demand exceeds supply.  Many advertisements seems to promise us happiness, beauty, love, wealth or respect. But ask yourself, does the ad promise more than the product can really deliver? Coca-Cola isn't a love potion.

This proverb reminds us of the enduring value of true quality and competence over flashy appearances. It's often used to express skepticism about a person who brags or praises themselves excessively.

We should all strive to be more like the basket of fruit: simple, authentic and good. These qualities will draw other people to you — at least the kind of people who understand that “chema chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza

Related proverbs:
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Appearances are deceiving.
All that glitters is not gold 
 高嶺の花  Hana yori dango - Dumplings over flowers

Updated 6mo ago