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A good thing sells itself, a bad one advertises (Chema chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza)

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Updated ~1y ago
View this proverb in Swahili
Chema chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza
Compare this simple, humble basket of fruit with a bag of lollipops. The fruit is ripe, juicy, packed full of vitamins -- it just sells itself. The lollipops, on the other hand, scream for our attention with explosive slogans and neon colors. But underneath the shiny packaging, it's really just plain sugar with some food coloring and artificial flavors.

Like other primates, humans find fruit attractive because it gives us energy and nutrition. Candy gives us energy, but it doesn't give us real nutrition. It just does a very clever job pretending to be fruit. Don't fall for it!

A good thing doesn't need to advertise, because quality speaks for itself. As the economists would say, demand exceeds supply.  Many advertisements seems to promise us happiness, beauty, love, wealth or respect. But ask yourself, does the ad promise more than the product can really deliver? Coca-Cola isn't a love potion.

This proverb reminds us of the enduring value of true quality and competence over flashy appearances. It's often used to express skepticism about a person who brags or praises themselves excessively.

We should all strive to be more like the basket of fruit: simple, authentic and good. These qualities will draw other people to you — at least the kind of people who understand that “chema chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza

Related proverbs:
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Appearances are deceiving.
All that glitters is not gold 
 高嶺の花  Hana yori dango - Dumplings over flowers

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Question: Have you learned more from you parents or from your experiences in the world? 

Today's proverb is often used in Swahili to describe a person who makes a mistake that could have been foreseen and suffers negative consequences... like the truck driver in this picture from Oxfordshire, UK. Regardless of what your parents taught you (or failed to teach you), you will eventually have to confront the harsh realities of life and learn from experience.
See also: If a child cries for a razor, give it to him (Mtoto akilia wembe, mpe)

He who is not taught by his parents is taught by the world. (Asofunzwa na wazazi, hufunzwa na ulimwengu)
Here's a poem by the poet Akilimali Snow-White about this proverb. (My translation from the original Swahili)

In the age they fooled me, my old folks in raising me,
I failed to learn the new movements of the world.
Today I please myself, to the people of the world, listen:
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the world.

I couldn’t have done any work without humbling myself before them,
Obeying to flatter them, then to serve them,
Even when I pleased them, they taught me with intention,
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the world.

Now I can speak European languages without difficulty,
like English and others too,
With effort I learn, and even they have raised me.
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the world.

I can converse without blemish,
And lead amidst evil, removing the blemish,
In the end the place pleases, one step towards harmony,
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the world.

There is nowhere I have overlooked, without investigation,
All sides examined, knowledge I have taken,
I even know how to sell products and buy,
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the world.

The amount which I have learned, not a little by fumbling,
I am pleasing where I come from, I employ good work
It’s hard to scorn, how it raises me,
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the world.

It’s not right to ignore what you don’t know
Try to investigate, and then analyze,
When your intention is tightened, you can’t fail to know a thing,
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the world.

The tasks I taught myself, my father didn’t know
He didn’t know English, or selling and buying,
but only praising oneself, that was when I, the child, knew,
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the world. 

I give more for you, you all who helped me,
All of you who’ve taught me, Lord give you health
God fill you all with happiness, and return goodness to you,
He who is not taught by his parents, is taught by the people of the world.
- Diwani ya Akilimali

What do you think about this poem? What does it mean? Can you improve the translation?

Fikeni E. M. K. Senkoro (1988) wrote of this poem (my translation):
[A] person can't experience everything in life from their parents: they must be ready to be taught by the world-- that is to learn from others beyond their father and mother.

Updated ~1y ago
Umewahi kuona mhunzi akifanya kazi? Au labda ulimwoma fundi akitengeza glass (kioo)? Si ni ajabu sana? (Ukitaka kuona kwa macho yako, tembelea Shanga Foundation Arusha, au tazama videos kwenye links hapo chini - ona Rasilimali).

Katika uzoefu wetu, glasi ni ngumu, yaani haikunji kabisa. Ukitumia nguvu zako zote, kio kitavunjika mkononi mwako na kukuumiza. Lakini hakika kioo hutengenezwa kwa kuyeyusha mchanga, mabichi na laini kama udongo.

Maishani kuna mambo ambayo yanaonekana kuwa magumu, yaani hayabadiliki kabisa, hayapindi. Tukitumia nguvu zetu zote, yataharibika tu na kutuumiza. Lakini fundi mwenye ujuzi anaweza kuyafanya kuwa mepesi na laini, kwa kuyatayarisha ipasavyo, na kuchukua hatua sahihi kwa wakati ufaao.

Methali hii hutumika sana kwa maana "chukua hatua haraka fursa inapotokea, ili usiikose." Kama WaSwahili wanavyosema "Samaki mkunje angali mbichi." Ona pia There is a tide:
Majambo ya binadamu yana kujaa na kupwa, Yakidakwa yamejaa huongoza ushindini; yakipuuzwa, safari yote ya maisha yao haiachi maji mafu, na hujaa madhilifu.
- BURUTO katika Juliasi Kaizari, na William Shakespeare (ilitafsiriwa na Mwalimu Nyerere)
Hata hivyo, ikumbukwe kwenye tamthilia hii, ushauri huu ulikuwa na madhara mabaya kwake, maana Buruto hakushinda baada ya hotuba hii (soma zaidi...)

Lugha na tamaduni nyingi zina methali zinazofanana sana na hii. Labda methali hizo zina chimbuko nyingi tofauti zisizotegemeana. 

KiChina: 趁熱打鐵
KiThai: ตีเหล็กเมื่อแดง
KiHindi: लोहा गरम हैं. मार दो हथौड़ा.
KiGaelic (Ireland): buail an t-iarann te
Kiingereza: Strike while the iron is hot.


Picha: Walimu wa Elimu Yetu wakijifunza ufundi wa kioo wakitemeblea Shanga, Arusha, Tanzania

Updated ~1y ago
na Magreth Lazaro Mafie 🇹🇿
🏆 Shindano la Insha ya Methali 
🥉 Mshindi wa Tatu
Ni mara ngapi umesikia Mchumia juani hulia kivulini? Hii ni methali ya kiswahili (kibantu) yenye maana ya kuwatia moyo watu katika shughuli mbalimbali wanazozifanya Kila siku wawe na Imani kuwa ipo siku watayafurahia matunda ya kazi yao. 

Methali hii huwapa watu nguvu, bidii, moyo, ujasiri, tumaini na weledi katika kufanya kazi. Mfanyakazi huamini kuwa baada ya kazi ngumu zenye surubu basi huleta mavuno mazuri yenye kumfanya astareheke kivulini akila matunda ya kazi yake. Shairi lifuatalo linaonesha kwa namna gani mchumia juani huwa katika majukumu ya Kila siku.

Siogopi jua wala mvua, nikiitengeneza kesho yangu
Siogopi maumivu Wala majeraha, maana yote ni ya muda
Jua kali na kazi ndiyo desturi yangu, ili kheri kuja maishani
Machinga,mkulima, makuli na mvuvi wao na jua, Ili kuitafuta kesho
Mchumia juani, hulia kivulini bado nakitafuta kivuli.
Ni mchana jua la utosi, kichwani nina mavuno, jasho linatiririka
Jua limezama Sasa kasia ufukweni, hoi kitandani, nyavu zi baharini
Nyumbani mtaa wa nne, nahodha wa familia surubu nivute  kheri
Jua Sasa la chomoza, Kiguu na njia kulitafuta tonge
Mchumia juani, hulia kivulini bado nakitafuta kivuli.

Bwana mmoja alikuwa mkulima. Maisha yake yote alitumia katika kilimo. Hivyo kupendeza kwake kulikuwa mara chache. Watu kijijini kwake walimuita mkulima stadi. Alijenga nyumba kwa kuuza sehemu ya mazao yake, alisomesha wanae kwa kilimo.

Bwana huyu alikuwa mtu mwenye bidii alijifunza siku zote kanuni za mkulima bora, hivyo kadri muda unavyokwenda mashamba yake alivuna mazao mengi. Watu wengi walistaajabu sana kuona mabadiliko makubwa ndani ya familia yake. Aliwekeza vitu vingi kijijini kwake, mashamba, nyumba, maduka na mifugo mingi vilitoka shambani.

Watu wengi walikuja kujichukulia hekima kwa mkulima stadi. Siku zote aliwaambia "Mchumia juani, hulia kivulini. Jembe limeniheshimisha kijijini Mimi na familia yangu. Maisha yangu sasa yanakwenda barabara kwa hakika niko kivulini nafurahia matunda ya kazi yangu ya juani. Mimi leo kijana wa mkulima huyo stadi najivunia malezi, uwajibikaji wake kwa sababu kazi za juani leo zimetufanya tupumzike na kula kivulini. Kwa hakika maana ya mchumia juani inaonekana kwa vitendo. Bidii yako ndilo jua lako na kivuli ndiyo matunda ya bidii yako.

Hadithi hii inashibishwa na hadithi ilee ya "Mabala the Farmer" yaani Mabala Mkulima iliyoandikwa na Richard S. Mabala(1989). 

Mabala alikuwa mfanyakazi bandarini Kisha akapunguzwa hivyo akachagua kurudi kijijini Morogoro. Mabala alikuwa mzembe,mlevi na mbishi. Mabala alikwenda shambani na galoni ya pombe alikunywa na kulala, alipoamka alimwongelesha mkewe lakni hakujibiwa zaidi ya  sauti ya jembe tik-tok, tik-tok .

Mabala alikuwa mbishi, alimwagilia sukari shambani alifikiri ni mbolea, lakni mwisho alibadilika na kuwa mkulima stadi akawa mchumia juani ili familia yake ije kulia kivulini. Je wewe unahisi Mabala ni mchumia juani? Ndani ya familia au kwenye jamii mkulima stadi anakupa picha gani?

Mwisho hadithi hii kutoka katika methali ya mchumia juani hulia kivulini hutuonyesha dira njema katika kila tunachokifanya katika maisha ya kila siku. Huku methali kama Subira yavuta kheri, Mgaa na Upwa hali wali mkavu zote hufanana kimaudhui, zipo katika kuipa jamii nguvu na matumaini kwa kila jambo lifanyikalo katika malengo.
Many people are afraid to ask questions because they don't want to be seen as stupid. But asking questions is the best way to learn from others.

Asking questions also helps others around you. Have you ever hesitated to ask a question because you thought others already understood... but later you realized they didn't either? 

This proverb is similar to the English saying, “There's no such thing as a stupid question.”
Updated ~1y ago