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The Project for Domestic Natural Gas Production and Supply System in Tanzania
Publisher Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), The Institute of Energy Economics (IEEJ)
Published 2022
Pages 438
17.6 MB
A significant amount of natural gas is found in Tanzania. This study is aimed to develop a practicable plan to construct a gas supply system in the country so that Tanzanian citizens will be able to utilise these indigenous resources for their economic activities and daily life. Since Tanzania is not densely populated, it is questionable if the traditional method of gas transport by pipeline would be viable. However, various technologies are developed recently to accommodate distributed smaller demands, which is called Virtual Pipeline as an integrated system. As analysed in this study, the Study Team recommends considering a mini-LNG based virtual pipeline system for introduction of natural gas into the domestic market. At the same time, the team recommends introduction of LPG in the areas that are not an immediate target of the natural gas introduction. This study is composed of two phases. In Part-1, analysing various data and information after conducting the Regional Energy Demand Survey, a mini-LNG based system is selected as the preferable method of gas transport to the market. In Part-2, based on this finding, a draft Implementation Plan is developed to start introduction of natural gas. Natural gas is penetrating rather slowly in Tanzania. There would be some vague anxieties that natural gas resources would be used up soon if big projects were implemented aggressively, or use of natural gas would be against the global movements toward a low-carbon society. However, the right and practicable pathway is to establish country’s modern energy infrastructure first with clean natural gas, and after that decarbonise it as much as possible. The Study Team hopes that, despite many challenging issues, proactive policies will be placed to materialise use of natural gas in the domestic energy market
Thank you to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), The Institute of Energy Economics (IEEJ)
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