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General History of Africa - Volume 3 - Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century
Abridged Edition
Written by Ivan Hrbek (Editor)
Publisher UNESCO
Published 1992
Pages 398
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This book is public domain or creative commons
Volume III covers the history of Africa from the seventh to the eleventh century. Two movements to have major and lasting cultural, political and economic significance on the Continent’s history are covered by this period: the increasing influence of Islam and its dissemination and interaction with traditional African culture in northern and western regions, and the Bantu expansion in the south. The book first places Africa in the context of world history at the opening of the seventh century before examining the general impact of Islamic penetration; the continuing expansion of the Bantu-speaking peoples; and the growth of civilizations in the Sudanic zones of West Africa. Detailed chapters follow discussing the successive Islamic dynasties of North Africa and their wider contacts; the Horn of Africa; the East African coast and interior; Central Africa; Southern Africa; and Madagascar’s internal development and international contacts. Three concluding chapters trace the African Diaspora in Asia; examine international relations and the spread of technology and ideas within Africa; and assess the overall impact of the period on African history.
CC BY-SA 3.0 This is the Abridged Edition of Volume 3. You can find the original full edition of Volume 3 here.
ISBN: 92-3-102585-6
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