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Upendo's Dream
Written by Elieshi Lema
Publisher E & D Vision
Published 2004
Pages 34
A story told with poetry, rhyme and song about Upendo, a child born full of happiness, who grows up full of laughter, until she is old enough to go to school, and finds she cannot not. Upendo begs to learn to be taught how to read and write, but she is not. Her only comfort is singing: ?beautiful letters/like flowers/beautiful numbers/like stars/give me the secret/you gave my brother...? But then she discovers a secret: she can be strong and courageous, and demand the right to knowledge and education. This is beautiful story about the magic and power of words, literacy, music, knowledge: about a girl?s self-discovery. It is bound to turn every girl-child into a rebel!
... see also: Ndoto ya Upendo (Swahili version)
ISBN: 9987411088
Thank you to E & D Vision
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