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Publisher Dk Pub
Pages 60
Here is an original and exciting new guide to the heroic world of the Olympic games - from its ancient beginnings to the Sydney Games in 2000. Stunning full-color photographs of famous athletes, gold medals, colorful mascots and flaming torches provide a unique look at the greatest sports festival in the world. See: the ancient Greek site of Olympia, what an athlete wore in 1896, how a sports shoe is made, and the first Fosbuty flop. Learn: what an athlete in training needs to eat, what the Olympic symbol represents, how Smoky became the 1932 Olympic mascot, and what sports make up a modern pentathlon. Discover: how athlete are timed within fractions of a second, what special materials are used to make a modern swimsuit, what sports were included in the ancient Olympic Games, who has won the most Olympic medals, and much, much more!
ISBN: 0789466287
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