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Agricola, Germania and the Dialogue on Oratory
The Agricola and Germany of Tacitus and the Dialogue on Oratory
Publisher Macmillan
Published 1899
Pages 205
11.0 MB
This book is public domain or creative commons
These works, written in Latin in about 100 AD by the Roman historian Tacitus, tell the story of Roman colonization of northern Europe, and contain valuable lessons for modern leaders, ethnographers, and readers interested in history, anthropology and politics. The Agricola recounts the life of his father-in-law Gnaeus Julius Agricola, an eminent Roman general and Governor of Britain from AD 77/78 – 83/84. It also covers the geography and ethnography of ancient Britain. Germania, originally entitled "On the Origin and Situation of the Germans", is a historical and ethnographic work on the Germanic peoples outside the Roman Empire.
Another translation available here. Cover art created from Roman generals and emperors closeup in the frieze of the Great Hall of the National Galleries Scotland by William Brassey Hole 1897 (Wikimedia)
Translated by
Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb
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