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Mwongozo wa utunzaji na uendeshaji wa misitu midogo kwa wakulima wadogo
2nd Edition - Woodlot Management Guidelines for Smallholder Farmers
Written by
Publisher Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation - SUA
Published 2012
Pages 18
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Tree planting programme in Tanzania has been advocated for decades but adoption of these activities is not promising in most parts of the country. To the contrary, people in Makete district responded positively to tree planting due to unfavorable climatic conditions and poor soils that contributed to poor agricultural crop production. Also they already know the importance of trees as they contribute highly to the economy of individual households and to the District at large. Previously the income of people in Makete district depended on agricultural products such as maize, wheat, rice, round potatoes and pyrethrum but later due to climate variability and change crops production failed tremendously. This resulted in threatening food security and the wellbeing of rural people of Makete. Responding to this situation, local people of Makete district have established tree woodlots as an alternative source of household income. Makete district is among the southern highlands areas of Tanzania reported to have successful woodlots.
ISBN: 9789987640553
Thank you to Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation - SUA
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