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Storybook Treasury Volume 3
30 Illustrated Stories for Children in English created by Book Dash
Publisher Book Dash
Book Dash is a South African social impact publisher of free books for very young children. Our vision is that “Every child should own a hundred books by the age of five”, before they enter school! To that end, Book Dash gathers creative professionals who volunteer to create new, African storybooks that anyone can freely translate and distribute. Research shows that owning books is a key factor in holistic early development and lifelong academic and economic success: the effect of owning books outweighs a child’s socio-economic status and is equaled only by parents’ level of education. By working together to increase book ownership among young children, we could effectively disrupt a cycle of inequality for good. Book Dash also provides translations of these and other stories into many South African languages. Learn more about at bookdash.org
This book was created for our Read-Aloud Challenge group. We send you a free ebook every month with 30 beautifully illustrated stories for children, so you can read a new picture book out loud every night! Join our group today! All the books made by Book Dash are published for free under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. This means anyone can freely read, download, print, translate and share the books.
Thank you to Book Dash
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