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Reasons to learn Javascript

Updated 4mo ago
Javascript is one of the most popular languages
Javascript's recent versions are much more capable
Javascript debugging tools are built into many browsers (including Chrome and Safari)
Javascript has a wide collection of open source libraries for doing everything from building beautiful websites to adding animation
Javascript has a huge community of online support to help you as you learn
Javascript developers are in high demand (you can get a great job)
Javascript is now used on servers with Node.js (initially it was only run in browsers)
Javascript can be used to develop native mobile apps for both iOS and Android (using frameworks like react)

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Programming, it turns out, is hard. The fundamental rules are simple and clear, but programs built on top of these rules tend to become complex enough to introduce their own rules and complexity. You’re building your own maze, in a way, and you might just get lost in it. There will be times when reading this book feels terribly frustrating. If you are new to programming, there will be a lot of new material to digest.

Much of this material will then be combined in ways that require you to make additional connections. It is up to you to make the necessary effort. When you are struggling to follow the book, do not jump to any conclusions about your own capabilities. You are fine—you just need to keep at it.

To learn javascript download a free book to learn how to program using Javascript

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A program is many things. It is a piece of text typed by a programmer, it is the directing force that makes the computer do what it does, it is data in the computer’s memory, yet it controls the actions performed on this same memory. Analogies that try to compare programs to objects we are familiar with tend to fall short. A superficially fitting one is that of a machine—lots of separate parts tend to be involved, and to make the whole thing tick, we have to consider the ways in which these parts interconnect and contribute to the operation of the whole.

A computer is a physical machine that acts as a host for these immaterial machines. Computers themselves can do only stupidly straightforward things. The reason they are so useful is that they do these things at an incredibly high speed. A program can ingeniously combine an enormous number of these simple actions to do very complicated things. A program is a building of thought. It is costless to build, it is weightless, and it grows easily under our typing hands. But without care, a program’s size and complexity will grow out of control, confusing even the person who created it. Keeping programs under control is the main problem of programming. When a program works, it is beautiful.

To learn javascript download a free book to learn how to program using Javascript

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What is JavaScript?

An excerpt from the free book Eloquent Javascript (page 18)
JavaScript was introduced in 1995 as a way to add programs to web pages in the Netscape Navigator browser. The language has since been adopted by all other major graphical web browsers. It has made modern web applications possible— applications with which you can interact directly without doing a page reload for every action. JavaScript is also used in more traditional websites to provide various forms of interactivity and cleverness. It is important to note that JavaScript has almost nothing to do with the programming language named Java. The similar name was inspired by mar- keting considerations rather than good judgment. 

When JavaScript was being introduced, the Java language was being heavily marketed and was gaining popularity. Someone thought it was a good idea to try to ride along on this success. Now we are stuck with the name. After its adoption outside of Netscape, a standard document was written to describe the way the JavaScript language should work so that the various pieces of software that claimed to support JavaScript were actually talking about the same language. This is called the ECMAScript standard, after the Ecma International organization that did the standardization. In practice, the terms ECMAScript and JavaScript can be used interchangeably—they are two names for the same language. 

There are those who will say terrible things about JavaScript. Many of these things are true. When I was required to write something in JavaScript for the first time, I quickly came to despise it. It would accept almost anything I typed but interpret it in a way that was completely different from what I meant. This had a lot to do with the fact that I did not have a clue what I was doing, of course, but there is a real issue here: JavaScript is ridiculously liberal in what it allows. The idea behind this design was that it would make programming in JavaScript easier for beginners. In actuality, it mostly makes finding problems in your programs harder because the system will not point them out to you. This flexibility also has its advantages, though. It leaves space for a lot of techniques that are impossible in more rigid languages. 