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to VOTE for Proverb of the Month
Updated ~1y ago

Picha hii imetengenezwa na akili bandia (AI)

Habari zenu wapenzi wa lugha na hekima! Karibuni tena katika kipindi chetu cha leo cha Methali! Methali ya leo ni “Mtoto akilia wembe, mpe.” Je, unaijua? Kwa walezi wengi, inaweza kuonewa… kali sana, au sivyo? Ina maana gani kwako? Je, unakubaliana nayo? Tushirikiane mawazo. 

Nikisikia nitasahau, nikiona nitakumbuka, nikifanya nitaelewa.
-Mwalimu Amos 

Mtoto akitaka wembe, basi mpe ili aelewe kwanini alionywa dhidi ya kucheza nao. Methali hii inaonyesha umuhimu wa kuwapa watu nafasi za kujifunza kutokana na uzoefu wao wenyewe, hata kama wanaweza kuumiwa (kidogo). Vilevile, hata ukikataa kumpa, labda hatatiii na atacheza nao ukiwa nje. Methali hii inaweza kutumika pia kama onyo kwa mtu anayepuuza ushauri au kusisitiza njia yake. Ingawa ni muhimu kusikiliza ushauri na maonyo kutoka kwa wengine, wakati mwingine tunahitaji kuona matokeo ya vitendo vyetu wenyewe ili kuelewa madhara yake. 

Adhabu ya Asili  (Natural Consequences)

Katika eneo la malezi, methali hii inafundisha kanuni ya Natural Consequences (Adhabu Halisi au Adhabu ya Asili). Adhabu ya asili ni matokeo yatakayokuja kwa sababu ya tabia ya mtoto mwenyewe. Tofauti na adhabu ya kutolewa au adhabu ya viboko, adhabu ya asili hujitokeza bila mlezi kujiingilia. Kwa mfano, fikiria kama mwanako amesahau daftari yake nyumbani. Ungefanyaje? Wazazi wengine wanajibu “Singefanya chochote, maana atahitaji kueleza kwa mwalimu wake.” Wengine wanasema “Ningekimbia shuleni ili kumletea daftari, halafu jioni ningempa adhabu.” Ipi bora?  Jibuni hapo chini… 

Swali: Je, mtoto akilia nyoka utampa?

Sawa tumekubaliana mtoto akilia wembe, mpe. Lakini… fikiria kama mtoto analia kitu cha hatari zaidi— je utakubali? Yesu aliwauliza wazazi: “Mtoto akiomba samaki, je, atampa nyoka?” Akilia nyoka, utampa? Wembe unaweza kusababisha jeraha ndogo, lakini si hatari sana kama nyoka mwenye sumu. 
Wewe kama mzazi, utakubali kiasi gani cha hatari ili ajifunze mwenyewe? Kama anaomba kuacha masomo ili kucheza michezo za simu sikuzote? Kama anaomba kumwoa/kumwolewa na mtu ambaye haumwamini katika umri mdogo? Yaani pia kuna maamuzi muhimu ambayo watoto hawako tayari kujifanyia. 
Je wewe kama mzazi unawezaje kuamua au kutambua kama unapaswa kumwokoa / kumlinda mwanako, ama kama unapaswa kumwachia afunzwe na ulimwengu? Wazazi na walezi wote tunaomba maoni yenu!

Nyoka ana madhara.
-Mwalimu Shila  

Utekelezaji wa methali hii katika maisha ya kila siku

Elimu: Watu hukumbuka walichojifunza kwa vitendo kuliko walichoambiwa kwa maneno. Utafute nafasi za kutekeleza kile unachojifunza.
Malezi: Mpe mtoto uhuru na nafasi za kujifunza kupitia uzoefu. Usimtatulie kila jambo, na usiogope anapofeli, kama hakuna hatari wala madhara ya muda mrefu, maana kufeli ni nafasi ya kujifunza kwake.
Kusikiliza: Ukipuuza maonyo na shauri, usishangaye kuona madhara yaliyotabiriwa.
Mathayo 7:10, Luka 11:11
Velten, C. (1903). Sitten und Gebräuche der Suaheli, nebst einem Anhang über Rechtsgewohnheiten der Suaheli. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. - Page 349

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to VOTE for Proverb of the Month
Updated ~1y ago

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Hello, lovers of language and wisdom!  Welcome back to your daily dose of proverbs. Today's proverb is "Mtoto akilia wembe, mpe" -- literally, "If a child cries for a razor blade, give it to them." To many parents that might sound, well… pretty harsh, right? But if you speak Swahili, you’ve probably heard this proverb. Do you agree with it? What does it mean to you? Share your thoughts.

If I hear I will forget, if I see I will remember, if I do I will understand.
-Teacher Amos

If a child wants a razor, then give it to him so that he understands why he was warned against playing with it.  This proverb illustrated the importance of giving people opportunities to learn from their own experience, even if they might get (slightly) hurt. Also, even if you refuse to give it to him, he might disobey you and play with it while you are away. This proverb can also be used as a warning to someone who ignores advice and insists on his own way.  While it is important to listen to advice and warnings from others, sometimes we need to see the consequences of our own actions to understand.

Natural Consequences

In the area of ​​parenting, this proverb teaches the principle of Natural Consequences.  A natural consequence is the result that naturally follows because of a person's behavior.  Unlike corporal punishment, penalties or demerits, natural consequences occur without the intervention of the parent or guardian.  For example, imagine if your son forgot his notebook at home.  What would you do? Some parents answer "I wouldn't do anything; he’ll have to explain to his teacher."  Others say "I would run to school to bring him the notebook, and then in the evening I would discipline him."  Which one is better?  Answer below...

Question for parents: If a child cries for a snake, will you give it to him?

OK, so we’ve agreed, if a child cries for a razor, we should give it to him.  But… imagine if the child is begging for something more dangerous– Would you agree? Jesus asked parents: "If your child asks for a fish, will you give him a snake?" What if the child asks for a  poisonous snake? Will you give it to them? 

A snake has real risks.
-Teacher Shila   

A razor can give them a small wound, but it is not as dangerous as a poisonous snake. What if they ask to quit their studies to play mobile games all day?  What if they ask to marry someone you don't trust at a young age? There are also important decisions that children are not ready to make for themselves. How do you, as a parent, decide or recognize when you should save and protect your child from regret, and when you should let the world teach them? Parents, tell us your opinion!

Apply this proverb in your life

Education: People remember what they experience and do, rather than what they are told.  Find opportunities to apply what you learn.
Parenting: Give the child freedom and opportunities to learn through experience.  Don't solve everything for him, and don't be afraid when he fails, if there is no danger or long-term effects, because failure is an opportunity for them to learn.
Listening: If you ignore warnings and advice, don't be surprised to see the predicted consequences occur.
Velten, C. (1903). Sitten und Gebräuche der Suaheli, nebst einem Anhang über Rechtsgewohnheiten der Suaheli. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. - Page 349
Bible: Mathew 7:10, Luke 11:11

Updated ~1y ago

Kumsomea mtoto wako kila siku kuna faida nyingi. Inaweza kuboresha ustadi wa lugha wa mtoto wako, kuongeza msamiati wake, na kukuza kupenda kusoma. Inaweza pia kusaidia kuboresha umakini na umakini wa mtoto wako, na inaweza kuwa na athari chanya kwenye mawazo na ubunifu wao. Zaidi ya hayo, kumsomea mtoto wako kunaweza kuwa njia nzuri ya nyinyi wawili kushikana na kutumia wakati mzuri pamoja.

Hapa Maktaba tunawahimiza wazazi kuwasomea watoto wao kila siku. Ifuatayo ni orodha ya sababu kuu za kuifanya kuwa tambiko:

1. Ustadi wa lugha ulioboreshwa: Kumsomea mtoto wako kunawaweka wazi kwa anuwai ya maneno na miundo ya lugha, ambayo inaweza kusaidia kuboresha ukuaji wao wa lugha na ustadi wa mawasiliano.
2. Kuongezeka kwa msamiati: Mtoto wako anapokusikiliza ukisoma, atajulishwa maneno na dhana mpya ambazo huenda hajakutana nazo katika maisha yake ya kila siku. Hii inaweza kusaidia kuongeza msamiati wao na kupanua uelewa wao wa ulimwengu.
3. Kupenda kusoma: Kumsomea mtoto wako kutoka umri mdogo kunaweza kusaidia kukuza upendo wa kudumu wa kusoma. Hii inaweza kuwa ya manufaa hasa katika enzi ya kidijitali, ambapo watoto wengi wana uwezekano mkubwa wa kutumia muda wao kwenye skrini kuliko kusoma vitabu.
4. Ukazaji bora na muda wa usikivu: Kumsomea mtoto wako kunaweza kusaidia kuboresha umakini na muda wa usikivu, kwani inawahitaji kusikiliza na kuzingatia kwa muda mrefu.
5. Mawazo na ubunifu ulioimarishwa: Mtoto wako anaposikiliza hadithi, ataweza kufikiria matukio na wahusika katika macho yao ya akili. Hii inaweza kusaidia kuchochea mawazo yao na ubunifu.
6. Muda wa kuunganishwa na ubora: Kumsomea mtoto wako kunaweza kuwa njia nzuri kwa ninyi wawili kutumia wakati mzuri pamoja. Inaweza kuwa shughuli ya kupumzika na ya kufurahisha ambayo inaweza kusaidia kuimarisha uhusiano wako na kuboresha uhusiano wako.
Updated ~1y ago

Reading to your child every day has many benefits. It can improve your child's language skills, increase their vocabulary, and foster a love of reading. It can also help to improve your child's concentration and attention span, and can even have a positive effect on their imagination and creativity. Additionally, reading to your child can be a great way for the two of you to bond and spend quality time together. Here at Maktaba we encourage parents to read to their children daily.

Below is a list of the top reasons to make it a ritual:

  1. Improved language skills: Reading to your child exposes them to a wide range of words and language structures, which can help to improve their language development and communication skills.
  2. Increased vocabulary: As your child listens to you read, they will be introduced to new words and concepts that they may not have come across in their everyday life. This can help to increase their vocabulary and broaden their understanding of the world.
  3. Love of reading: Reading to your child from a young age can help to develop a lifelong love of reading. This can be especially beneficial in the digital age, where many children are more likely to spend their time on screens than with books.
  4. Better concentration and attention span: Reading to your child can help to improve their concentration and attention span, as it requires them to listen and focus for extended periods of time.
  5. Enhanced imagination and creativity: As your child listens to stories, they will be able to imagine the scenes and characters in their mind's eye. This can help to stimulate their imagination and creativity.
  6. Bonding and quality time: Reading to your child can be a great way for the two of you to spend quality time together. It can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity that can help to strengthen your bond and improve your relationship.

Want to find some great books? Try browsing FREE books by any of our dozens of tags such as picturebook, kids, learn to read and more.

Or, check out our free parenting books in English and Swahili.

Has your relationship with your child improved by reading to them? We would love to hear about your success or share some of your favorite books below in the comments.