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Practical Citizen Participation in the Budget Process at the Country Level
Publisher Kituo cha Sheria, Kenya
Published 2014
Pages 20
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As a citizen you have new powers under the devolved system but also new responsibilities. You are entitled to participate in decisions that affect your life such as providing input in the budgets and government plans. Your responsibility is to understand what the government is doing and ensure that you participate actively in the decision-making process whenever possible. Devolution is changing the way decisions are made and services delivered in Kenya. Think about the services you care about like health, water, education or housing. Who prioritizes and decides on which service gets more money? Who actually delivers these services? Under the new devolved system there are two levels of government the county and national. The county level is responsible for some services and national government others but they are required to work together for coordination. The county is responsible for services such as early childhood education, markets, County health facilities, housing, water and sanitation among others. The county is supposed to budget for all these services annually and MUST involve citizens in the process.
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