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Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health
Publisher The Open University
Pages 159
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This book is public domain or creative commons
Welcome to the Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health module of the HEAT Programme About 63% of the total population of Ethiopia is below the age of 25 years. Young people of ages 10–24 are the largest group to be entering adulthood in Ethiopian history. This cohort of young people makes up 25% of the total population (2007 Census). The health of young people is directly affected by the socio-cultural and economic context in which they live. Being aware of the various interrelated and complex reproductive health problems that young Ethiopians face, the Government of Ethiopia has shown its commitment to improving the reproductive health status of young Ethiopians through issuing the National Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health Strategy (Federal Ministry of Health, (FMOH) 2007). In line with the strategy, the Federal Ministry of Health has also developed service delivery guidelines and standards and training manuals on youth-friendly reproductive health services. Health workers have an important role in improving the reproductive health of young people in Ethiopia. As a community health practitioner, you can contribute to the improvement of the reproductive health of young people through various means. Young people have needs that are quite different from those of older people. Understanding their special needs is key to helping them. Providing them with the appropriate information and services, mobilising the community in support of adolescent and youth reproductive health programmes, and working with and for young people are the major interventions that you can focus on in your community.
This book was created for students of an online course from the Open University, UK. Anyone can take this course free online here: Free class in Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health Creative Commons 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0: HEAT)
Thank you to Health Education and Training Programme (HEAT) and the Open University UK
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